Retexturing Project

The "Retexturing Project" is a remaking project for Hitman: Blood Money, started in April 2012. Its purpose is to enhance the graphics, offer new effects, in order to improve the gaming experience. The development is currently at its early stages.

Any Updates or Infos will be posted on this page.


/!\  UPDATE  /!\


  1. hi guys..this's Kai there anyway to regestier here in the website?
    by the way..the idea about reTexting BLOOD MONEY is fantastic
    plz guys..dont stop..keep up the good work and hope u finish as soon as possible..i already restarted the game 2 days ago to be ready
    for Absolution but the graphics and stupid ppl faces in the game
    makes me sick..plz guy keep up the good work

    the pictures r AMAZING and dont forget to change the ppl clothes and faces ..becouse its al the same and not real

    after finishing this..plz make good re-texture for CONTRACTS..its the best part in Hitman game..little scary..more atmosphere

  2. I tried the re-texture and it was awesome
    only 2 problems:
    1) his tie. It ended up being white when I played, and depending on the direction I faced, it would go various shades of gray, then turn black. The darkening part happens for all levels, so I don't know if you can really fix that, but the fact that it was white instead of red is bad.
    2) the intro and outro videos. Both of those used the old textures.
    Those were really the only two problems I had. Keep up the good work!
