Hello dear visitors.
Well, many of you are new to the whole "modding" thing, and want to know how to apply mods on their games. This tutorial will show you how to install clothes mods only. WARNING! This tutorial does not apply to other types of mods. Read carefully:
- What you need:
- The mod:
That's, of course, the first thing you got to have. You can browse the "modding" category for one.
- Glacier TexEditor:
This is the tool that will do the job. It will import mods into the game. Download HERE.
- The mod:
- What you should do:
- Extract the mod's archive to a new folder
- Extract the archive you downloaded, then run "TEXEditor.exe"
- Click on "Open Zip".
- Browse for your Hitman Game directory, normally "C:/Program Files/Eidos"
- Open Scenes Folder, then choose one of the Mxx folders (xx refers to the two numbers of the folder, example: M01). Each folder represents a mission in the game (for example, in Hitman: Blood Money, M01 represents "A Vintage Year" mission), so by choosing a folder, you choose a mission to edit. It's up to you to decide what mission you want to apply your mod on.
- In the Mxx folder, you will find an archive named "Mxx_main.zip". Select it, then click on "Open".
- Once the program finishes loading, you will have now to look for the files you want to edit. Since our weapons mods are mainly about Silverballers, in the "Search" box, type "Pistol_01_WPNC_H3", then click "Search"
- The program highlights now the file we searched. Select the highlighted file, then click on "Import".
- Browse now for the folder where you extracted the mod earlier, and choose the file found there, then click on "Import".
- After importing the file, click on "Update Zip".
- Let the program finish, and there you go ! Close the program, and PLAY !
I got two results and I wanted to install Gold Ballers which had also two files, so I don't really know which one I should pick to import and then update. Would appreciate if someone could help me here :D thx